Fat Bellies

Morehead City, NC
Fat Bellies
Fat Bellies
Fat Bellies
Fat Bellies
Fat Bellies
Fat Bellies
Fat Bellies

Fat Bellies

Morehead City, NC
Regular price $90.00 36 Oysters
  • Morehead City, NC
  • Ships to USA only
  • Secure payments

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This includes:

  • 36 Fat Bellies oysters
  • 1 Oyster Bag
  • FedEx Express delivery INCLUDED

Oyster selection subject to availability


Our fresh oysters are shipped with ice packs to ensure that they arrive in perfect condition. Upon arrival, simply place them on ice and refrigerate. They will keep for up to 10 days in the fridge - don't freeze them, though, or you'll ruin all that briny goodness!


Cocktail (2.5" - 3")
Species: Crassostrea virginica (Eastern)

Grow-out Method: Constantly tumbled bottom cages on an intertidal sandbar

Description: Fat Bellies are the result of hard work and the farmers’ love for being on the water. The care the farmers put into these oysters produces sweet and salty flavors with notes of cucumber and melon – the perfect balance for a sustainable protein.

Instagram crystalcoastoysters